пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

NT: NT govt accused of secrecy over submission to federal review

NT: NT govt accused of secrecy over submission to federal review

By Karen Michelmore

DARWIN, Aug 25 AAP - The Northern Territory government was today forced to defend itselfagainst allegations its submission to a federal government review of the Aboriginal LandRights Act was shrouded in secrecy.

Federal Member for Solomon Dave Tollner today accused the Territory government of tryingto cover up its submission to the federal government's current review of the legislation,which protects Aboriginal land rights in the territory.

The federal government is currently considering changes to the Act, which Mr Tollnersaid could include the possible handing back of the legislation to the NT government tocontrol and the establishment of smaller, more numerous regional land councils.

Mr Tollner said he had asked Federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister Philip Ruddock fora copy of the submission but was told the NT government had asked that it be kept confidential.

But the NT government and NT land councils, which made the joint submission to thefederal government, said there was no secrecy.

"There's no shroud of secrecy," a Northern Land Council spokesman said.

NT Chief Minister Clare Martin said the document was part of a federal government review,so it was up to Mr Ruddock as to whether the submission should be made public.

"If Philip Ruddock thinks Dave Tollner should have a copy then he can give it to him,it's not in my jurisdiction to give it to him - it's his report," Ms Martin said.

Still, a NT government spokesman said the document had not been made public, in partto ensure the federal government could consider changes to make the legislation more "workable"

without the issue being "clouded in politics".

"This has been a massive issue for a long time in the Territory," said Mark Nelson,adviser to NT Resources Minister Paul Henderson.

"There's been a lot of politics played over the years with land rights.

"The government wants to see effective changes to the legislation. It has given thecommonwealth a chance to consider the proposals and to come out with an informed and consideredresponse.

"We envisage that when the commonwealth has decided what it is going to do, it willrelease all the submissions it's received from the NT government and all the other groupsthat have put in their two (cents) worth."

But Mr Tollner said all Territorians should have a right to hear the NT government'sview on the issue.

"I would like to know what the NT government is recommending should happen with anact that effectively manages 50 per cent of the territory," Mr Tollner said.

"I'm pretty interested in knowing what they've decided was best for the Territory.

"When I went to Philip Ruddock to ask him for a copy of that (NT government) submission,he said it's marked confidential; the Territory government wants it kept confidential."

AAP km/jnb/bwl


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